We Have Given FDC An Opportunity To Re-Brand-Gen.Muntu

We Have Given FDC An Opportunity To Re-Brand-Gen.Muntu

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By Denis Turyahebwa and Andrew Irumba

In a press conference on Thursday at Hotel Africana in Kampala where he officially announced his departure from FDC, the former party President Gen. Gregory Mugisha Muntu said their departure is an opportunity for the party to re-brand and achieve its objectives.
“The legitimate Party President Patrick Oboi will be working with a group with one strategy after our departure. I bet if we stayed we would be fighting internally and that would not help the party achieve its objectives,’’ Gen. Muntu said.
Muntu clarified that ‘One Uganda,One peope’ slogan cannot be achieved without ‘truth and justice’, which he said only concerted political efforts by the opposition can make a difference.

‘’During my time at FDC, we have failed to reconcile two different strategies but because I want the party to stabilize I have decided to part ways with the party in good faith. Many were asking why we had a meeting with the Party president on Tuesday but l want to clearly tell you that civility demands for that, if you are to move away from your roommate, you don’t wait for your partner to go to town and then pick your belongings and disappear,” Muntu said.
When asked whether he left the party because he is power hungry, Gen Muntu said he has always swung the party behind Dr Besigye the two times he lost to him and when he lost to Patrick in 2017 he did the same which wouldn’t have been the case for a power hungry person.

Muntu showed his disappointment to the FDC members on allegations that he was an agent of NRM. He said he would have stayed to continue destabilizing and tranquilizing the party strategies which he said he did not.
‘’We do things differently maybe that’s why they misunderstand us. We do less of their expectations so calling me a mole is all they can. Even when I was in the army, they also put me under surveillance until they realised l was genuine’’ Gen Muntu said.

However when asked whether he is targeting to use Bobi Wine, Gen Muntu said Bobi wine is an intelligent man with an intelligent professionals with the capacity to discern who to work with. He added that the opposition needs the people power ideology to be able to show the public what they stand for. Muntu didn’t reveal the name of his new party but said soon it would be revealed at the appropriate time.

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