”We Started Victoria University To Curb Unemployment Through Skilling Ugandans”-Tycoon Rajiv

”We Started Victoria University To Curb Unemployment Through Skilling Ugandans”-Tycoon Rajiv

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By Spy Uganda

Victoria University Co-Director, tycoon Rajiv Ruparelia has said that the University is working hard to curb the problem of unemployment that has hindered the country’s growth for the last couple of years.

Rajiv made the above remarks during the celebration of the Charter an event held yesterday at Victoria University’s main auditorium.

He said 40% of the Uganda’s graduates are not being absorbed in the job market meaning there is a huge supply of graduates with less skills for jobs.

“Having realized that among the key problems of this country is unemployment, Victoria University picked up the task of  developing people who are going to create the jobs, not those who are going to compete for jobs because the truth is jobs are scarce. We need to follow the chain of thought that businesses are created,” said Rajiv adding thus;

“So at Victoria University we give our students the fundamental basics of using what they have to get what they don’t have. If you come to Victoria University you are assured that by the time you graduate, you already have the capacity to change that degree into a mega business and that’s how our youth can contribute to the country’s growth.”

At this event, Vice Chancellor, Prof.Lawrence Muganga announced that they are giving back to Ugandans by offering free registration and admissions to all students who passed Advanced Level.

”In a special way, I want to announce this, PLE & UCE exams are out and students are now joining S.1 & S.5 but our parents are facing a challenge of fees. So, as a University that cares about Ugandans especially our dear parents, as a University that knows that education should be a public good, we have decided to offer free registration and admissions to all students who finished their A’Level,” Prof Muganga said adding,” Therefore my dear parents, just bring children at Victoria University, come and obtain your admission at free of charge, you will only pay tuition.”

The Charter celebrations attracted famous city tycoons among them including youthful businessman Rajiv Ruparelia who happens to be one of the Directors of the University that was started in 2013.

Muganga delivering his speech stated that he was happy with the City-Centred University’s progress ever since he picked the mantle to run it in 2021.

He said the University administration has been working tirelessly to keep the University’s name booming but also to make sure its international reputation remains sounding.

“Ever since I came to this University, I and my entire team, the staff we have been working tirelessly to make sure we continue to uphold this University’s image among the top globally, and I am happy to announce that we have been able to achieve this. A sign of our hard work is the Charter we earned last year, you all know that this is one of the key things confirming that a University is recognized Internationally, thanks to our committed founders the Ruparelia family which has supported and believed in us from day one.”

According to the office of the Academic Registrar, Victoria University has students from over 51 countries globally.

Muganga however vowed that they haven’t reached where they want to be;

“I want to assure our students, and Ugandans at large, that we haven’t reached where we want to be, we are still working hard to achieve the highest standard that one would ever need to see in an international University like ours.”

Commenting on what thrilled government to grant Victoria University a Charter, Muganga said it was after a series of inspections by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). He said that NCHE confirmed that the process to grant VU Charter had actually been delayed since it already had all it takes to have a Charter including; world-class facilities, technological innovations like the online class dubbed Vclass, and highly qualified lecturers among others.

“To us, a Charter means our standard is unique and everyone should cherish it because the government took us through all inspections and confirmed that we are indeed fit to have a Charter. So, I want to assure students that at VU we give world-class value, having this Charter means we meet every criterion set by Government but also means we are among the best internationally and we continue to prioritize experiential learning and giving quality education that skills and empowers our students to beat the employment barriers in the job market,” added Prof. Muganga.

Prof Muganga rallied Ugandans to rush at Victoria University to enroll for the most affordable and internationally recognized Law programs that were approved by the Uganda Law Council in 2021. He said they have already invited NCHE officials to come and inspect the standard the University has set for its Law School.

“This is one of the Universities that have set a good standard for the Law School. We have the best facilities one can dream about. Our moot Court is better than some of our real Courts in our districts. The library has almost every book and other material needed by the law students. So have no doubt about our Degree and Master of Laws Programs. We have since invited the NCHE officials to come and see the beauty at our Law School and am sure they will be satisfied.”

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