We Will Revoke Your license! UCC Warns Media Houses Playing Vulgar Music videos, Lyrics

We Will Revoke Your license! UCC Warns Media Houses Playing Vulgar Music videos, Lyrics

By Spy Uganda

Kampala: Uganda Communications Commission(UCC) has vowed to revoke licenses of broadcasting stations for airing inappropriate content which according to the regulatory body contravenes the minimum broadcasting standards.

According to a letter intercepted by our Spy sent out to some of the stations we won’t mention for now, UCC has noted with concern from the general public that some broadcast stations air music and content that is offensive and obscene.

”The Uganda Communications Commission (the Commission) is increasingly receiving complaints from the public regarding inappropriate content being broadcast by licensed broadcasting stations in Uganda.
The complainants allege that stations often air music and content that is offensive, obscene, indecent, distressing, or contrary to the content standards established in accordance with the Uganda Communications Act 2013” reads part of UCC letter that was intercepted by this mighty website.

Letter From UCC

In the same letter, UCC further elaborates that broadcasting stations are acting in total disregard of their obligations under the Communications Act 2013 and the Regulations made thereunder, broadcast music content that:
i) contravenes public morality contrary to section 31 and schedule 4 (a) (i) of the Uganda Communications Act, 2013.
ii) contains offensive language including profanity and blasphemy contrary to Regulation 8(2)(a) of the Uganda Communications (Content) Regulations, 2019.
iii) is not suitable for children and therefore not appropriately scheduled contrary to section 31 and schedule 4 (c) of the Uganda Communications Act, 2013 and Regulation 9(a) of the Uganda Communications (Content) Regulations, 2019.

”The Commission has established this to be true for some of the music broadcast in contravention of the Minimum Broadcasting Standards and the provisions of the Uganda Communications (Content) Regulations 2019” the letter confirmed.

Following the complaints, UCC has thus tasked all broadcasting stations to ensure that they operate according to the provisions of the Law and avoid content that breaches the Minimum Broadcasting Standards.

Further more, UCC says broadcasters should also acquire and use the adequate technical facilities prescribed by the Commission to operate a broadcasting station in accordance with section 26(2) (a) of the Uganda Communications Act 2013.

UCC warning comes at time when media owners under their umbrella body, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and other media players are at loggerheads with Ugandan artists over their poor quality and vulgar content.

It’s worth noting that last month, a team of musicians from Uganda National Musicians Association petitioned Parliament seeking their intervention to push for a 90% air play of their content and a fair share of tax revenue from their content used by the media industry.

The petition which is before the Committee on Information, Communication, Technology and National Guidance seeks for the amendment of the copyright and neighboring rights Act 2006 with several proposals including;

  • -Requiring broadcasters to dedicate 90% of airtime to Ugandan music as away of promoting local content and supporting the development of the music industry.
  • -Enforcement of strict measures against broadcasters who use pirated and the proposed fine of UGX 5 Million.
  • -Registration and regulation of all third parties including telecom aggregators who are involved in the distribution of and dissemination of copyrighted content.
  • -Revision of charges of caller ring back tunes and caller tune payments to artists among other demands that forced the committee to summon stakeholders in the media industry to give their take.

Meanwhile, UCC’s letter sinks well with NAB’s revelation about the quality of local content being produced. While appearing before the Committee on Information, Communication, Technology and National Guidance, representatives from NAB on Thursday told the committee that artistes’ demands of 90% air play was not possible because of the poor quality they produce, further tasking them to improve the same. Andrew Irumba Katusabe, the president Independent online journalists Association (indoja-U) and NAB Executive member told the committee of Parliament that artistes’ dress code needs urgent attention by gander ministry to save the young generation. “These artists now don’t have private parts, all their body parts are now public, they now want media to join them in their confusion,” Irumba said.

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