Work For Excellence, Says Museveni As St.Henry’s Kitovu Celebrates 100yrs

Work For Excellence, Says Museveni As St.Henry’s Kitovu Celebrates 100yrs

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By Spy Uganda

A centennial of celebrations and humble beginnings; from 23 students to over 1600 today, with a teaching staff of 150 today down from 8 only; joy and homecoming as old boys from over the years turned up to boost the school, marking 100 years.

President Museveni, represented by Vice President Jessica Alupo commissioned the 1.7bn Science Laboratory and laid a foundation stone for the construction of the centennial education Centre.

In his remarks, read after holy mass that was presided over by Rt Rev Mathias Sekamanya, Bishop Emeritus of Lugazi diocese, President Museveni congratulated the school administration saying the day was a great milestone for the children and people of Uganda. He thanked the school leadership for channing out students of valor and influence whose contribution has shaped the positive outlook of the country.

Alupo said that the education, Museveni supports “decreases poverty, reduces inequality and lowers crime rate”, adding that “the NRM’s mission is to enhance the pace of social economic development by implementing far-reaching changes in the livelihoods of the people through transformation of the Ugandan economy and households”.

With the success story of the school, the President said he had no doubt that this school builds and grooms students ready to take on the different challenges in the world.

The President paid tribute to the founding missionary white fathers of the school, saying they share the vision of the NRM, to bring about social economic transformation.

“I appeal to all stakeholders in education to make sure that education is always relevant and captivating by celebrating diversity, promoting creativity and innovation and building a global outlook while fostering a sense of rootedness and belonging to our nation,” he added.

The President also said that education, should not only build the minds of the students but also their hearts. “Our children must be taught the value of courage, honesty, generosity and selfless service”.

Earlier, the Vice President encouraged all parents to take advantage of peace and security and take all children to school.

She thanked the Old Boys for growing the seed, equating it to the biblical mustard seed.

“This infrastructure will benefit learners for the future”, she said, counseling the students to build themselves morally, and avoid strikes, attesting to the remarks by the headmaster, that the school has never had a strike. “Violence is not a solution to solving any problems, but the dialogue is,” the VP remarked.

The celebrations held under the theme “a century of the bounteous harvest” saw several speakers hail the journey that makes St.Henry’s Kitovu one of the most sought-after colleges in the country.

The headmaster Rev Brother Augustine Mugabo thanked the students and old boys for nurturing the seed planted by the white fathers 100 years ago. He acknowledged the vision of the catholic bishops to build a school of excellence.

He noted the contribution of the government in the construction of the three-storied science lab which he said would boost the teaching of science and innovation.

The headteacher clarified on recent reports that the school was going to admit girls saying that was inaccurate, he further added that education should be a tool to fight poverty and ignorance and dignify people, and therefore, the school would be open to skilling its students as well as members of the community during the holidays. This, the head teacher said, was out of a duty to eradicate poverty in the community. an accessible web community

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