You Have The Most Incompetent, Greedy, Money Minded, Heartless, & Careless Doctors- Furious Patient Castigates Mengo Hospital For Abandoning Her To Rot After Deadly C-Section

You Have The Most Incompetent, Greedy, Money Minded, Heartless, & Careless Doctors- Furious Patient Castigates Mengo Hospital For Abandoning Her To Rot After Deadly C-Section

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By Spy Uganda

Kampala: According to Ministry of Health records, huge numbers of expectant mothers die every day during and after birth in both private and public hospitals due to several complications but these vulnerable mothers would be helped and perhaps saved if the concerned health workers paid a little more attention to them.

READ ALSO: After Losing Her Twins, Mother Seeks UGX 29M To Clear Exorbitant ‘Christian’ Nsambya Hospital Bills

Mengo Hospital has been put on spot by one of their patients Shamurah as she goes by her Facebook name, who went through a C- Section while she had twins but according to her, the doctors didn’t fulfill their side of the job despite her paying medical bills equaling to 2.5 million before she was discharged.

Shamurah has further recorded a video on her Facebook pinning Mengo Hospital doctors for leaving her C- section wound open with excruciating pain despite the several complaints she made to the doctors that went in vain.

Shamurah adds that the hospital administration has since been calling her to pull down the post saying it’s tarnishing their image adding that the allegations are not true, but according to Shamurah, she has all the proof from Mengo Hospital but has no intention of suing the hospital rather wants them to account for their irresponsibility and improve their services.

Shamurah’ Narrates her painful Story that has attracted a lot of comments from mothers with similar experience from Mengo Hospital.

”On Saturday 13th of February night (3 am) I started having labor pains. Wasn’t sure of it. Since my EDD Was between 28th February and 12th of march but given I was expecting twins. I was told I could give birth before that. I was alone with my little sister and kids. As my husband had I kept quiet till morning since the pain was bearable.

I went to mengo hospital early morning. They took me to scan which cost 80000ugx. It was then confirmed I had no chances of pushing because of breech (both the babies were sitting) unfortunately my Dr who worked on me when I gave birth to SHAROUQ (DR SENYONGA) don’t work on Sunday so I was given another one by names of Twinomujuni

I had to immediately sign, deposit money, choose where to be put after the operation and go in for Operation. As much as I feared C section I had no choice as I didn’t want to risk to my babies. By 4:35 pm on 14th of February my babies we’re out safely and never went to nursery since I didn’t hesitate.

I was brought back to Albert cook (Annie walker room 2) this cost 2160000ugx. I was admitted in this room on Sunday 5: pm and I was discharged on Tuesday 5:pm. Being I came unprepared most of things used we’re from hospital. So my complete bill was 2.5.

The trauma of my life started on Tuesday. When they removed the plaster on my wound it was not dry. I complained but nothing was done. Instead I was directed By a nurse to buy some water, tube and other stuff to clean the wound myself. I got what was written for me from freca pharmacy Wandegeya @250000 and went home.

On Wednesday the wound was now smelling and more wet. I took a video which can’t be posted on Facebook because of how disgusting it looks and sent it to the Dr but he claimed I would be fine. On Thursday the wound was now open I could see the inside part. Again I took the video and sent it to the DR. He told me to be patient and continue washing the wound and applying the tube I had gotten from Freca pharmacy.

Finally on Friday I got tired of complaining and told the Dr I was coming back to the hospital whether he agrees or not. That’s when he told my husband to call him when we reach the gate. On the arrival he directed US to another building not where I was. And to my shock it was general ward full of women. He checked me and told my husband to deposit 500000 or 1m . I hear for some book because he was admitting me immediately and the hospital policy doesn’t allow him to do anything before we pay. i asked him why he has been ignoring my cries? he just told my husband to go pay because am not leaving the bed.

I told him I wasn’t going be in general ward because if I’m to be admitted my babies must be brought. His only answer was the babies could stay home if I didn’t want them in general ward because Albert cook was full.

At this point I was more of a mad woman . I went out by force took my husband’s wallet told him to drive off. I no longer wanted to see this man. The Dr insisted I had no right to go anywhere else unless he wrote a referral later. I agreed to it just to save time. He wrote it. I never read through even. as I knew I was already in trouble.

I went to another hospital where they opened my wound alive and have been on treatment since it was in worse condition. I just got my second operation yet on another bill of 2100000ugx and I can finally talk and walk though in worst pain.

But let’s put all the trauma, pain and sufferings a side. What happens when someone that does not have enough money or isn’t financially stable get such issues?

How do you send someone home knowing they’re not healed and wait for them to return and start a new bill.

Govt should do something about hospitals who are exploiting people. Like do I have to double pay for my misery and pain, What kind of system is this?? Do Ministry of healthy ever look through such issues??

Now let’s say I had no more money left?? I was going be left to die or what exactly was going happen to me exactly?” Shamurah Posted on her Facebook.

Three Months ago, ministry of health put private hospitals for the increased births by C- section in Uganda saying the cases  have exceeded the level recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO).

According to Annual Health Sector Performance Review released by the Ministry of Health , WHO recommends that the ideal caesarean rate at any hospital should be between 10 and 15 percent.

However, Ministry of Health report indicated that 51 percent of all expectant mothers at St Francis Hospital Nsambya deliver by C-section, while last year at Nakasero Hospital, 72% delivered by C-section. Mengo Hospital and Lubaga hospital also recorded high C-section rates at 47 and 41 percent respectively.

“We see that the highest C-section rate is in private for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals in the country, In government-funded hospitals, the rate has reduced from 35 percent in the last financial year to 34 percent this year. It is going down.” Dr Henry Mwebesa, the director general of health services at the ministry of health said

The UN health agency recommends that C-sections be performed when natural delivery poses a threat to the mother or baby. For instance in situations of prolonged labour where both mother and baby become tired, and the foetus is in distress or when the baby is in an abnormal position.

C-sections have become a popular elective for expectant mothers in the country with some women carrying out as many as two procedures however doctors warn they pose a danger to the health of a mother or child as they can lead to death since they require surgery.

Doctors further add C- Sections can lead to a fever and increased vaginal bleeding for the new mother after birth. Mothers can also lose control of their bladder as a result. They can also lead to heart attacks or preterm birth in the next pregnancy.

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