You’ve No Right To Threaten Judicial Officers, Go Slow!-Judiciary Warns

You’ve No Right To Threaten Judicial Officers, Go Slow!-Judiciary Warns

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By Spy Uganda

The Judiciary has condemned the attempts by unscrupulous individuals who want to meddle in the judicial process.

Judiciary Public Relations Officer Karemani Jamson, says on Monday (June 20, 2022), the Staff at Soroti High Court received a suspicious package with a warning letter addressed to the Soroti High Court Resident Judge, the Assistant Registrar, Counsel and plaintiffs in a court case now a subject of police investigations.

”This act of cowardice is an unwarranted indirect affront on the independence of the Judiciary which is protected by the Constitution,” says Karemani.

Article 128 of the Constitution provides that no person or authority shall interfere with the courts or judicial officers in the exercise of their judicial functions.

”The Judiciary should be left to exercise its mandate to adjudicate. Whoever wants to frighten Judicial Officers and the Courts with a view of derailing justice should be brought to book and condemned,” adds Karemani.

The law provides for an appellate system for redress by aggrieved parties and as such there is no need to intimidate Judicial Officers as they dispense justice.

”That said, we reassure court users and the public at large that the Judiciary remains committed to administering justice to all without ill will, fear or favour,” Karemani states.

He has also commented on the viral video circulating on different social media fora in which an advocate, Mr Steven Kalali, describes a section of the courts of judicature as useless and describes the decisions made by a section of judicial officers as useless.

Karemani says Kalali also uses derogatory and demeaning language to that class of Judicial Officers which he says is a direct attack on the Judiciary.

”The Judiciary is dismayed with the utterances of Mr Kalali who incidentally practices in the said courts and before the same judicial officers he describes as useless,” says Karemani adding, ”Suffice to say, the Courts of Judicature are established by law specifically under Article 129 of the 1995 Uganda Constitution. The jurisdiction and exercise of judicial power is equally provided for by law.” an accessible web community

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